The Latest from Cuba

It is interesting reading the commentary coming out of Cuba and what I hear from the United States is very similar in most aspects. 

·       It is essential we get the country opened again.

·       Prices of raw product going up.

·       The loss of supplies, service contracts, closing of restaurants and small business.

·       The backlash many of these businesses are "not" opening again.

·       Investment in new businesses or expansion of existing ones has come to a grinding halt, with no logical end in sight.

·       The discontinuation of so many self-employed.

·       The very difficult decision of the containment of the virus and/or the over whelming desire to open the country to promote this stagnant economic situation.

 These are all comments coming from Cuba yet sounding very similar to the United States. That again confirms the factor we are much more alike than different. We all want what's best for our families, and to live in peace and harmony with everyone.  Why is this so hard to accomplish?  

 There had been four days without a new case of the virus, which is a positive report. Yet today there were new cases: 

·       2 new cases Havana

·       2 new cases in Matanzas

·       2 new cases in Santa Carla

·       No deaths

 So when we look at these numbers I must say congratulation Cuba. Give them credit when credit is due. This is not to say they have not struggled with hardships "they have." Tremendous food shortages, increased prices on what is available, totally quarantined, plus no fuel. For sixty years they have endured suffering, shortages, special periods, restrictions that you and I cannot imagine. Yet they smile and pray for us. 

More Information:

 Welcome Emmanuel Bradenton UMC, with Pastor Kimberly Uchimura and Oneco Bradenton UMC with Pastor Gene Maddox have stepped forward during this difficult time here in the United States, with the adoption of sister churches in Cuba. 

 The Annual Conference in Cuba has been canceled and henceforth there will be no pastor changes at this time. Cuba has extended the closure of its airspace until July 1st. American Airlines first flight into Havana is July 7th. 

 August 25th drop off date of items for the ship container is between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at Christ Venice UMC, 1475 Center Road, Venice, 34292. Please email if you are bringing items or have any questions. 

 Thank you so much to everyone that has sent funds to purchase medical supplies and medicines it is very much appreciated. Donations are still being accepted. 

Dan Christopherson 
Direct Line: 941-468-7209