We receive criticism for sending funds into a “Terrorist Country”. You mention Cuba to many of “our” government officials they will dance around any constructive conversation. Their mind set is still on a sixty-year-old embargo, that has achieved nothing to hurt the Cuban government. Yet they are somehow proud of the fact there is, no food and no medicines for the Cuban people.
You feel like you're on the outside looking in; “Until" the day you receive an email that melts your heart and opens the floodgates of all your emotions.
See below, this is for all of you, it is worth the effort!
In Christ,
Dan Christopherson, Southwest District Program, Inc.
Beloved brother and good friend.
Thank you, thank you very much for your love. Thank you for your Faith, which encourages and motivates us so much. Thank you for strengthening and encouraging us. Thank you for your beautiful and great friendship.
Thanks for your true sincerity. Thank you for your continued help and collaboration. Thanks for sincere brotherhood. Thank you for your care. Thank you for your efforts and sacrifices.
Thank you for offering the other Cheek, the Cloak and also the Tunic, thank you for taking on the burden and walking the second Mile. Forgive me for using the word (you) with you, please don't look at it as a disrespectful expression.
It is that for us you are someone very special, someone very close, and familiar, you are a great friend, a true brother, a loving earthly father, you are very familiar to us, your smile fills our hearts and cheers our souls. You inspire our lives.
We greatly appreciate your efforts and actions to bless the Church in Cuba, not even the world economic crisis has stopped you! I know that you are not giving what is left over, but that you are sharing what you have.
That many do not value. The grateful ones recognize it and value it a lot.
Thank you very much dear Dan Christopherson.
God bless you. 9999999999999999999999 billion times more.
We wish you the best and greatest. Thankssssssss
A strong and tight hug from all our family, we will never forget what you have done for us, thank you for your love, kindness, mercy, friendship, and discretion, towards us, thank you because we do not deserve anything of all that you have offered us unconditionally.
Thank you my beloved brother and good friend. In the love of Jesus, my family greets you.