

There is much “Anticipation” in the air.For the first time in two years, I believe we can look forward to the return of “normal”. What is the new normal going to be? Let’s be realistic, Covid has changed us. Why should I drive three hours for a meeting when you can get on your computer click on Zoom meeting and conduct business more efficiently? Statistics tell us forty percent of the people watching church online will not return.  This is not a denominational phenomenon it’s church wide. It effects the entire spectrum of church life. The sector most effected are young adults and families.  We have major challenges ahead of us, we must approach them with innovating mindset to the future. The Millennial and Generation Z generations are not and will not participate in the same programs, grandma did.

 This is also true with the twenty-five-year-old Cuba program. One consolation we have here is the country of Cuba is still fifty years behind the United States. Let me tell you this generation of young Cubans with more access to computers and advance learning technology, do not sell them short.  They are thirsty for knowledge; they are aware there is a better world out there and they want a part of it.  

 How are we going to handle the changed Cuba after Covid? I can hear you saying Cuba has not changed, oh yes it has.

 ·       What are flights going to cost?

·       What is the cost of food going to be? If it even is available for travelers?

·       Is it even fair to our Cuban brothers and sister to take trips there? Even though we want to so bad and yes, they want us also.

·       What about the cost of travel and gas? Again, if it’s available.

·       We all hear about November 15th opening of Cuba. Yea, really what does that mean?

·       There are flights available now at four times what they costed before.

·       Are people still going to want to travel into Cuba at increased trip costs.

·       How much increase will that be?

In 2022 the State of Florida will be celebrating twenty-five years since the signing of the Florida/Cuba Covenant. Twenty-five years has bought catastrophe changes to both the Cuban Methodist church and the Methodist church in Florida and the United States.

 As mentioned above I am very reluctant to look back. Yet, there are times looking in the rear-view mirror and your grass roots gives you a clear path forward. The signed covenant gives us five aspects of this relationship that has lasted the test of time.

Ø  Prayer

Ø  Engagement

Ø  Relationship

Ø  Spirituality

Ø  Encouragement

These five commitments of a strong relationship have stood the test of time. I believe if we keep these basic concepts in mind, they can lead us forward into the future with much Anticipation.

God is in control!

Dan Christopherson

Southwest District Mission Program, Inc.

Direct. Line: 941-468-7209