Eighteen months ago, I wrote an article about “Dreams Being Born” in the article a sentence stands out today… but it’s Cuba dreams do not come true. Dreams come and go, yes, somewhere over the rainbow where they get lost in the great abyss of lost dreams and forgotten dreams that never come to reality.
After all, it is Cuba. Cuban government restrictions and permits, American government restrictions, financial restriction all these enter the reality part of this dream. From the playgrounds of the Foundation Day Care at Englewood United Methodist Church to Mayari Methodist Church in Mayari, Cuba God has exceeded our wild imagination.
Yes, I heard you would never get that approved in Cuba. There has never been a Christian daycare in Cuba for sixty years. On my desk I have a saying; Just because it’s never been done before does not mean it cannot be done. It only means God is waiting for you to take the first step.
On October 16th, I had the honor to attend an Open House in Mayari, Cuba for the opening of “Lisi’s Sueno” (Lisi’s Dream) Day Care. Sixteen Cuban children and their parents sat in an air-conditioned classroom wide-eyed with disbelief of what they were seeing. The children’s big brown eyes were darting back and forth across the room filled with toys, yellow children’s table and chairs covered with unexplored new toys. Located on the wall was a television set playing children’s videos in another location was a table full of children’s Bibles and many other children’s Christian books. In no time, sixteen young minds were learning and playing with other children. I truly believe the parents were more at awe than the children.
We went around the room, and each parent introduced their child. One couple had two sons enrolled. Lisi and the new principal plus two teachers also introduced themselves. By this time in every corner of the room, organized chaos was well on the way. Smiles were on everyone’s face there was no exception. All I could think of was Jesus saying, “send me your children.”
I went around the room and introduced myself to every parent and thanked them for trusting us with your most precious possession. Many gave me a big hug and thanked me because there is nothing like this any place in Cuba. For their child to have access to such a facility, they could not thank me enough. Sure, it made me feel great, but this is much larger and I told them to give the glory to God where it is deserved.
I want to thank the Southwest District and many churches within the district for your support. Also, countless individuals, retired school principals, teachers, police officers, plus parents and grandparents that told me they had to be involved in this. So, Dreams Do Come True in Cuba.
We are not done yet. This is just the first phase of a four-phase project. If you want to donate or have any questions, do not hesitate to email or call. The next generation of Cuban children depends on you. God Bless.
Dan Christopherson