Bibles for Cuba is one of the many programs the Southwest Mission Program, Inc. supports. We have purchased more than 6,000 Bibles that have been distributed to more than seven districts in Cuba. Last April at the largest Baptism in Cuba history, every person in the Holguin Norte District that was baptized was given a new Bible. The enthusiasm and joy could be seen on every face that received a new Bible. This is the same expression we receive every time new Bibles are given out. Bibles in Cuba are a rare commodity and many people do not have a Bible or can afford to purchase one, so I thank everyone that has supported this program and continues to support the effort.
But what about the people with poor eye sight or who are blind? What about the remote area’s that do not have access to a Bible? What about the people that cannot read? What about people with special meads? Are they not entitled to a Bible also? But you say, “How can we help them?”
For the pass six years, I have taking Galcom Recorded Bibles into Cuba. They are solar powered, no batteries involved. I have distributed them throughout Cuba, and their performance and lasting power has been outstanding. Because of that, their popularity has grown immensely. During my recent trip, I delivered six more units. To fill the larger number of requests for the recorded Bibles I want to take 100 on my trip this coming October. My intentions are to give two or three to every sister church pastor in the Holguin Norte, Sancti Spiritus and Guantanamo Districts.
I need your assistance to accomplish this mission. I would like each sister church in the Southwest District to purchase two or three units for their sister church in Cuba. They are $35 per unit.
If you think of the minimal investment involved and the impact this has on the lives it affects it’s a small amount. Please see below a picture of the Galcom Recorded Bible, it is the size of a small cell phone. For more information go to
Contact me to place your order for the recorded Bible.
Dan Christopherson