Water Purification System Update

I spent the last week in August in meetings in Havana with Bishop Pereira of the Methodist Church in Cuba, presenting a project for the upcoming months and years in Cuba. I am elated to have received an enthusiastic approval.  There will be much more to be announced in the near future on this project as we look to the future of the next generation of Cuban children.   

I met with Joel Ortega Dopico, President of the Cuba Council of Churches and we were in discussion on the incoming shipment of water purification system (WPS).  The manifest, plus other needed documents were given to him and found to all be in order. I emphasized the willingness of the Southwest District Mission Program to work with him and the Cuban government in the delivery of humanitarian items to Cuba.  These items are a gift from Methodist churches in the United States to the Cuban people. We want nothing in return, but to assist our Cuban brothers and sisters. I stressed the fact that at no time were these items to be sold.  We left the meeting with much enthusiasm and anticipation looking forward to working together on other shipments.

Unfortunately, due to Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, the scheduled second shipment of water purification systems (WPS) set for September 26th has been postponed to the end of October or the first week in November.  The manifest is in and all documents are in place so no additional cargo can be added at this time.

In Christ,