Below you can see the activities and accomplishments in the year 2019. I give all the credit to our Lord Jesus Christ, plus God loving individuals throughout the United States that have blessed us with their prayers and financial support. Thank you so much.
New Sister Church Relationships:
Wesley UMC Marco Island Florencia, Ciego de Avila
Hope Cape Coral UMC Retrete, Holguin Norte
Port Charlotte UMC Macane, Holguin Norte
Beach Fort Myers UMC Punta Alegre, Ciego de Avila
Wacousta UMC, Wacousta, Mi Chillante, Ciego de Avila
First Appleton UMC, Appleton, Wi TBD
Reconnected Relationships:
Deer Lake UMC, Tallahassee to Guasimal, Sancti Spiritus
Lost Relationships: None
General Information on the District:
Number of churches in Holguin Norte District: 52
Number of churches in Ciego de Avila: 24
Number of churches in Sancti Spiritus: 12
Number of new churches (3 districts) 2019: 10
Number of Cuban churches with a sister church: 50
Number churches in the Southwest District: 65
Total Number of travelers that went to Cuba in 2019: 33
Number on Youth Trip: 4
Number of first time travelers to Cuba: 9
Number of churches represented in the travelers: 13
Non-alliance travelers that went to Cuba: 0
Number of Cuban pastor visits to the United States and Southwest District: 4
District Superintendent Isel Acanda 1 Time
District Superintendent Jose Ramon 3 Times
Adopt a Pastor:
The Methodist church in Cuba continues to grow so the churches without sister churches in Cuba also continue to grow. Even though the Southwest District Mission Program, Inc. (SWDMP) was blessed with getting five new sister church relationships. We continue to fall behind with churches without support. The “Adopt a Pastor” Program continues to make sure every pastor in our three districts receive a salary. Break down by Districts:
Holguin Norte: 14
Sancti Spiritus: 9
Ciego de Avila: 19
Bibles for Cuba:
In February SWDMP Board of Director Bill Bender presented a check to Pastor Jose Ramon of the Sancti Spiritus to purchased approximately 1,500 bibles. These Bibles were to be dispersed where must needed.
The continuation of the disbursement of Galcom recorded Bibles was widen to Isla de la Juventud District and reached deeper into Ciego de Avila and Sancti Spiritus Districts also.
Cargo for ship containers and Water Purification Systems:
On November 6th (SWDMP) Board of Directors Richard Appell and Janet Christopherson delivered 1,106 pounds of items to Miami to be placed on ship container with estimated release date in Cuba, February 2020. Ten Water Purification Systems, nine bicycles, walkers, breathing assistance machines, other medical supplies plus numerous items for the daycare in Mayari. With even more difficulties and restrictions of sending items to Cuba this option seem to be the only option available to us. Our previous two shipments have been a very good experience so we will not hesitate to use this option more.
Guantanamo Effort:
Due to realignment of Coordinator’s I was appointed Coordinator for Sancti Spiritus and Ciego de Avila districts side by side to better utilize time and to alleviate as much travel as possible. I wish Guantanamo well, I have many friends there.
Lisy’s Dream Daycare:.
The daycare celebrated their first anniversary October 16th, 2019 a great time was had by all. At this time they have eleven students from the age of four months to four years of age. Three ladies from the United States with daycare and elementary school training spend two and half days working with the staff on site. The consensus was very positive about the leadership and staff. They felt there were still needs in supplies and this list was presented to the Board of Directors. Many of the requested items were placed on the ship container and will be delivered in February.
Victory Farms:
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” After much prayer and continued conversation with District Superintendents about the food shortage in Cuba. The SWDMP is investigating the purchase of parcels of land in Holguin Norte, Ciego de Avila and Sancti Spiritus Districts in Cuba. There are many questions, challenges and government regulations that need to be thoroughly investigated before we make our final decision to move forward. This is a complex project with many unknowns and questions to solve before we come to our final conclusion, we ask for your prayers.
Dan Christopherson, Southwest District Cuba Coordinator