A month ago, if I was asked that question, I could have run off my plans for the next month to six weeks without a problem. Yes, I would have to pull up my planner but it's all there. Plus, my tentative plans through the next few months.
Oh, how things change. Now I cannot tell you what is going to happen in the next hour. Going to the grocery store has CHANGED! Some bare shelves, limit on food items, not finding your favorite brand of cereal and NO toilet paper. Never in the United States. Just remember, to our Cuban brothers and sisters our grocery stores still would look full to them.
We are not talking about Cuba, how many times have I said to travelers, "make sure you bring some toilet paper for yourself and your sister church." Next thing you know Cuban's will be bringing it to the United States.
With all joking aside two schedule changes in my one-time full calendar was the March 21st, Open Panel Discussion event, plus we have canceled our April trip to Cuba. We had an important announcement to make at the event and now under the circumstances it makes it even bigger with the cancellation of our April trip.
Because of the long lapse in trips this will be your opportunity to get items to your sister church. Please know there will be strict "regulations and guidelines" to abide by:
1. Drop off will be Tuesday, August 25th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
2. Trip date to Miami, Wednesday, August 26th.
3. Drop off location: Christ Venice UMC, 1475 Center Road, Venice, Florida, 34292
4. Do not seal boxes. ALL boxes will be opened and inspected before loading them. They are also inspected when they are unloaded at cargo in Miami & in Havana.
5. Maximum box weight forty (40) pounds
6. Cost is $2.50 per pound, plus trip cost to Miami, Cuba tax, and cost to get items to the destination.
7. NO food items are allowed.
8. NO money can be put in a box.
9. Notification of items for shipment: Churches and individuals anticipating dropping off items on August 25th must email the Southwest District Mission Program, Inc. at: christforcuba@gmail.com This is so we can make provisions for needed transportation.
10. Dates subject to change...... It is hurricane season the end of August!
We all know the conditions in Cuba prior to this chaos, can you just imagine what it will be when this breaks. Here is an opportunity to get some volume of items into Cuba. Cargo shipments are not quick, but it does not make any difference when it reaches the destination, it will be needed.
Direct all questions to my email.
Dan Christopherson
Direct Line: 941-468-7209