
Outside Your Comfort Zone

Pope Francis said, “The church must step outside herself to the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be.... But she must step out. But what happens if we step outside ourselves? The same as can happen to anyone who comes out of the house and onto the street: an accident. But I tell you, I far prefer a Church that has had a few accidents to a Church that has fallen sick from being closed.”

It's that time of year when we start to reflect and to think about new opportunities into the New Year that will challenge, change and push us. I am looking for this person, willing to step outside of their comfort zone and spend five days with me in Cuba.  From April 9 -13, we will be in the remote mountain area in the Guantanamo district.  There will be no five-star hotels or restaurants, but there will be coastline views, mountain vistas, rock formations, plus a five-star experience with the Cuban people.

On this mission trip, we will be stopping at churches and attending church service. I can hear it now, “I knew there was a catch. This trip is not me.” Listen to me, I do not care if you go to church or what faith you are. In fact, I would rather hear you say that you've never been in a church because you are the person that I want on this trip.

The trip will be a maximum of four people. Four people who are ready for an eye-opening experience. This is your opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone, which may open a new door within you that has been there waiting for you to step through it.

For more information email or call:
Dan Christopherson
Direct Line: 941-468-7209